Community Rhythms

We offer opportunities for connection in this spiritual community on a weekly, monthly, and quarterly basis. When you join as a member, you can freely participate in these rhythms in the way that works with your life, your interests, and your spiritual needs and desires.

  • We offer virtual retreat days every quarter—in January, April, July, and October—on themes that matter to us as contemplative women. Themes in the recent past have included the divine feminine, streams of spirituality, pilgrimage, hope, and what poetry teaches us.

    Our quarterly retreat days usually happen on the first Friday of the quarterly month and are scheduled for 10AM-3:30PM Eastern. They are recorded for those who can’t be there live but want to join us in kairos time (time outside of time) through the replay recording.

  • On a monthly basis, we offer monthly themes tied to our weekly glow-up gatherings. (See the weekly section below for more information on the weekly glow-ups.) Recent monthly themes have included the contemplative soul, creativity, discernment, seasonality, and finding our native language for God.

    Additionally—though currently on hold—we host a monthly contemplative gathering called Sanctuary. This gathering provides us with space to look up together, serving as a key way we experience our contemplative spirituality together.

  • We observe several rhythms on a weekly basis.

    The first is our weekly examen groups. These are the primary way we help you find your “community within the community,” as members of these groups bear witness to each other's lives and offer companionship, encouragement, friendship, and support to one another.

    Next, we offer weekly threads—called Monday Becoming, Tuesday Practice, and Friday Share—that provide meaningful ways to connect and be known in the larger community.

    And lastly, we host live gatherings for the whole community through our weekly glow-ups, to nourish your contemplative identity through various monthly themes. These gatherings happen on Wednesdays at 2PM Eastern. They are recorded for those who can’t be there live but want to join us in kairos time (time outside of time) through the replay recording.

Everything offered in the Light House community is shared with open hands. You have full permission to participate where you like, shaping your community experience around what’s most meaningful to you.