We understand how hard it is for contemplative women to find spiritual community.

You’ve come to the right place. Welcome home.

If you’ve looked everywhere but still feel lonely and out of place, we get it and we promise:

It’s not you.

—Free Video Series—
3 Reasons Contemplatives
Struggle to Find Community

Join Light House founder Christianne Squires in this free video series as she unlocks three reasons you’ve been struggling to find a place to belong.

Your search for contemplative kindreds is over.

We’re a community of women who move at the speed of soul, live with discernment, and tend what’s ours to do. In other words, we’re just like you.

Belonging as easy as 1-2-3.

Our 3-month groups are the place to start.

Step 1

Find a group that works with your schedule.

Step 2

Make new friends in your 3-month group.

Step 3

Become a member of the full community.

What Our Members Say

Like a Monastery


I have a sense of belonging to a spiritual community here—that’s big for me. I never could say that before. If you are looking for a spiritual community, this is 100 percent the way to go. It’s not based on dogma but on love and compassion. I like to think of it like a monastery.

—Santina K.

Valued and Accepted


When I'm in the Light House, I feel encouraged to explore and live my unique way of being and know that I am valued and accepted. This increases my confidence and sense of peace with my life and what I offer to the world. It also helps empower me to carry this posture into the rest of my life. Being part of a community that practices core values honoring each person's dignity, individuality, and worth make me feel hopeful about what is possible for humanity in this fractured world.

—Becca R.

Community Dimension


This is a safe place to explore who you are in community with other people. The weekly touchpoints help me reflect on my own life in community, which is different than reflecting individually. I could do a lot of this on my own, but doing it in community adds another dimension to it. Others reflect back what they hear, offering insights and connections I wouldn’t have otherwise gotten to.

—Anne B.

The contemplative way is often lonely, isn’t it?

It’s antithetical to the world around us and broader than what most religious institutions are able to hold or offer, even if we still consider ourselves a part of those institutions.

Hoping to find other contemplative kindreds, we turn and turn and turn—only to discover they’re few and hard to find.

Enter the Light House, a community for contemplative women like you.

—Free Video Series—
3 Reasons Contemplatives Struggle to Find Community